Welcome to Holycross School!

At Holycross School, we are committed to setting high expectations and standards for all students. It is the responsibility of our school to foster an environment that encourages students to be excited about learning, challenges them to be the very best they can be, and celebrates each child as an individual. It is our belief that a strong partnership between home and school is vital to the success of our students. The collaborative efforts of our incredibly dedicated and talented staff & parents only serves to enhance the elementary experience for our children. It is our goal to nurture healthy, socially responsible citizens who recognize themselves as valuable members of our school & global community.

About Us

Our Motto



Our Vision

To established and promote co-education of both girl and boy child, to impart standard affordable education to the students for future. And promote social harmony, female literacy and progress.


Our Mission

We strive to ignite the light in each student and shape them into becoming torchbearers of future, and wipe out the darkness of ignorance and hatred to replace with hope to live “Life in fullness”.


From the Principal's Desk


Education for life involves helping students from a vision and set lasting and creative goals for life. It helps the students to develop their identity. Students learn to evaluate facts critically and form their own convictions for life. Education for life forms proactive citizens with responsibility and commitment. From the very childhood children should be helped to make choices with critical analysis. They should be helped to develop self-discipline with which they know to prevent distractions that lead to waste of time and energy. As the students grow and reach high school they should be helped to formulate a vision for them and set goals to achieve great things according to their taste and capacity. Such students stand differently from the crowd.



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