Principal's Message

Education for life involves helping students from a vision and set lasting and creative goals for life. It helps the students to develop their identity. Students learn to evaluate facts critically and form their own convictions for life. Education for life forms proactive citizens with responsibility and commitment.

From the very childhood children should be helped to make choices with critical analysis. They should be helped to develop self-discipline with which they know to prevent distractions that lead to waste of time and energy. As the students grow and reach high school they should be helped to formulate a vision for them and set goals to achieve great things according to their taste and capacity. Such students stand differently from the crowd.

Values are caught not taught! This is possible only when they find enough role models around them. If we want to educate the children in values, the best way is to make ourselves role models of what we teach. Only then we can save the nation: build humanity: and create a better future! Teachers and parents have to do much home work and preparation to form the children.

Wishing you all the best and May God bless you.

Sr. Mary Infanza
Holy Cross Coed School
New Lambakheda
Bhopal (M.P)